Phishing Sites Are Growing in Complexity
Cybercriminals continuously target customers of high-profile organizations to steal confidential information and compromise online accounts. They create imposter websites, convince account holders to enter login credentials, and take over accounts with the intention to commit fraud.
With PhishLabs, enterprises can quickly and completely take down phishing sites to protect customer data and prevent account takeover.
Proactively Detect Phishing Sites
Hundreds of look-alike domains are registered daily to create phishing sites. Threat actors build sophisticated phishing campaign infrastructures and numerous fake websites to imitate legitimate brands and distribute links using phishing emails, the open web, and social media. They use social engineering to persuade victims to enter credentials, then use this data to take over online accounts.
Early detection significantly reduces the damaging impacts of customer account takeover. However, identifying phishing sites and the supporting attack infrastructure requires visibility into a wide range of intelligence sources and anti-evasion expertise.
PhishLabs has proactively detected and disrupted millions of credential theft phishing attacks for the world’s most prominent brands. Our technology platform consumes over 350 million URLs daily from domain registrations, SSL transparency logs, active DNS queries, passive DNS data, and DMARC failure feeds (such as those from Agari by Fortra) to find and analyze domains for malicious activity. Experts also meticulously evaluate campaigns to find related infrastructure and phishing attacks in development before they cause harm.
Learn more about Fortra’s Advanced Email Security solutions.

Fortra identified hundreds of malicious sites and immediately began taking them down. Since that time, we have continued to see a drastic improvement in the number of malicious sites attacking HarborOne.
Dana Shell, CISO, HarborOne Bank
Disrupt More Phishing Attacks
Disrupt More Phishing Attacks

Fortra’s Customer Phishing Protection Bundle integrates best-of-breed solutions from Agari and PhishLabs to prevent domain spoofing, detect more phishing campaigns, and mitigate the infrastructure threat actors rely on to carry out phishing attacks.
Read how Agari and PhishLabs are better together.
Accelerate Phishing Site Takedown

The only way to completely mitigate the risk of customer credential theft and account takeover is to disrupt a threat actor’s attack infrastructure and take phishing sites completely offline. Fast takedowns require established relationships with service providers, a proven reputation for high-fidelity threat intelligence, and technical integrations earned over time by submitting large volumes of abuse reports.
For 15+ years, PhishLabs has cultivated trusted relationships with an extensive global network of hosts, registrars, and authorities. With automated killswitches, an unlimited model, and a relentless approach, enterprises can experience the highest success rate and fastest speed of credential theft phishing site takedown in the industry.